2024 Forsyth Monroe County Sports Hall of Fame

Forsyth Monroe County Sports Hall of Fame

Video Production
June 2024

2024 Forsyth Monroe County Sports Hall of Fame

2024 Forsyth Monroe County Sports Hall of Fame

Project Description

RMH Productions was hired by the Forsyth Monroe County Sports Hall of Fame committee to film the entire banquet for the annual 2024 hall of fame event. This was a great event that brought together old friends, fierce high school rivals, and a great community all under one roof. Many high school friends were reunited after some 20+ years of separation. All of the best memories and stories were shared once again and helped the entire community reconnect with one another.

The goal of the video was to capture everything from the event: speakers, inductees, and families. We wanted a video for everyone to be able to look at and remember the great memories that were made at this event. The equipment we used for this event included 4 cameras, a 3-axis gimbal, 4 tripods, wireless video transmitters, 4 input video switch board, wireless microphones, audio mixing equipment, timecode, and shotgun mics. This worked out perfect with how the event space was set up and so that we did not interfere with the banquet. We had many new inductees join the hall of fame in 2024 and the event went great.

Post production was a fairly difficult process because of the amount of footage we had taken at the event. We recorded the entire 4 hour event and sorted through over 16 hours of footage. With our goal in mind to create a video that could last a lifetime for everyone at the event, we made sure to include every part of the banquet. RMH Productions only cut out the strictly unnecessary parts of the video to try to keep the same feeling for those watching the video as those who were there. We also created individual videos for each of the Hall of Fame inductees. This has proven to be something special for the inductees and their families. People that would otherwise not be able to see their loved one speak and be inducted into the hall of fame can now just go on YouTube and watch it whenever they want.

We thank the Forsyth Monroe County Sports Hall of Fame for using RMH Productions and look forward to shooting the 2025 banquet in the near future.

Project Assets


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