Our Process

Built to help you.

It's Marketing, Not Rocket Science

Grow with Our Straightforward and Effective Process

Step 1
During the opening phase, we work closely with you to understand your business goals, target audience, and open your mind about the possibilities for your content and brand. This step is crucial as it allows us to gain a deep understanding of your needs and objectives, and to create a customized plan that is tailored to your specific goals and objectives. To open this process, we will first set up a meeting and dive into your business.

Once we have agreed to open the project, we then conduct market research to gain an understanding of the market, potential competitors, and target audience. We also identify key messaging and themes for content, and determine the best formats and channels. For example, if you are looking for a video, we will decide what type of video, the length, the tone, and the target audience. In addition, we also discuss your brand guidelines and any specific requirements you may have.
Step 2
In the planning phase, we take the information gathered from opening to create a detailed plan for the content. This includes creating an outline or storyboard, determining the resources and budget needed, and outlining the schedule and milestones for the project. This step is crucial to ensure that the project is well defined and the final product aligns with your vision.

During the planning phase, we also create a detailed shot list, script, wireframes, etc. and decide on what is needed for the project. We also plan out any necessary logistics, such as locations, teams, and scheduling if needed. This step is crucial to ensure that the project is completed on time and within budget.
Step 3
The creating phase is where the magic happens. Our team uses all the information gathered and our designed plan to create your content at the highest quality possible. We will do whatever it takes to ensure that our work is professional and how you want it. Whether it's writing copy, designing websites or graphics, filming videos, or flying drones, our team puts all our effort into making sure the final product meets your expectations.

During the creation phase, our team works closely together with you to produce high-quality and engaging media. This may include filming footage, recording audio, and designing graphics, depending on the type of media being created. We also pay close attention to the details, such as color scheme, lighting, sound, and composition to make sure the final product is visually and technically sound. We ensure that you are kept up to date with the progress and we actively seek your input when needed.
Step 4
Once the content is created, we provide you with an opportunity to review and provide feedback. Your feedback is used to make any necessary revisions and fine-tune our work to ensure it meets your needs and expectations. We always work closely with you to make any necessary changes and making sure the final product is aligned with your goals and objectives.

Once you have approved the final product, the project may be over, but we're not. We want to create a professional relationship with you and your business that will last for years. RMH Productions is focused on the long run, and we're here to ensure your business stays and grows with us. We will provide any necessary support or maintenance and make sure to reach out periodically to check in with you.

In the end, we want our clients to feel like they have a place to call home for everything marketing and media. Everyone belongs in a family, and we want you to join ours. RMH Productions is committed to your success and aspire to be a valuable partner for your business.

"At RMH Productions, this is where we excel. We seek clients who, like us, are forward-thinking and aim for a lasting partnership that helps to grow both of our businesses. Our commitment is to ensure you enjoy working with us now, so that you are excited to work with us in the future. Thank you, and I wish for the opportunity to speak with you soon."

Ryan, Founder of RMH Productions

Take The First Step Today
We look forward to hopefully meeting with you soon. Our whole mission is to help businesses like yours succeed in this digital age. With new technologies such as AI and ChatGPT, it's even harder to stand out and that's why we're here.

You've heard about us, now it's time for the world to hear about you.

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